Posts tagged ‘ActiveState’

February 9, 2008

Komodo – The first 3 months

Update: Sean and Shane gave me some tips on some hidden goodies, post updated to reflect that

Update: Sean C came to the rescue on how I should decrease indenting, shift + tab, works like a charm! thanks mate :) Still think it should be listed in the menu like all the other shortcuts

Shane told me how to do the panel hiding, apparently you can do Help – List Keybindings, now who on this earth ever looks in there ;-)

For showing/hiding the 3 panes:

  • Project pane, project tab (left) ctrl+shift+p
  • Project pane, code tab (left) ctrl+shift+c
  • Toolbox pane (right) ctrl+shift+t
  • Output pane (bottom) ctrl+shift+o
  • Focus to edit pane ctrl+shift+e

Even cooler is, I can do custom keybindings

Managed to fix this somehow, managed to fix the dir in another dir but not really (a mouthful) issue, not sure how tho :)

About the folder add problem, filed a bug Hopefully Todd will resolve this before 4.3.0 is out

After I got my new laptop in last November I decided to get a new editor that could work in Windows & Linux and Sean C. told me to give Komodo a go; Having tried it couple of years back and having what I’d describe as blend feelings then I wasn’t really convinced but thought I had nothing better to do (was at a conference) and installed the trial for Komodo IDE and wow it had improved a TON, I must say I fell instantly in love with it.

After having used it I found a couple of flaws or well things that made the usage not perfect for me but well perfection is a rare thing ;-)

First problem I saw was it a bitch when I had HUGE projects with bazillion files and all in a SCM of one or another sort, it would basically just hang when trying to fetch all the status info for each file (Komodo does this nifty thing to show you in your file manager if the file has been edited or is not in sync with the SCM) so handling projects like the pear installer was not so … optimal but after a quick email exchange with Shane C. then he told me that Komodo 4.3 will fix that, he actually finally blogged about it today:

And it looks like 4.3 will fix another pet peeve of mine, searching for things per project, on linux it’s a breeze from the command line, grep -ri “foobar” . in the root of the project and voila, supports some regex and what not, perhaps not the most slick solution but it does work and having it straight in Komodo will be nice even tho it will be hard to break of using the cli but perhaps a good thing, can’t setup gnuwin32 on all the machines I might have to code on if they should contain a Windoze.

The Unit Test feature in 4.3 also sounds quite interesting but I’m very disappointed that they don’t seem to support .phpt tests or at least they don’t say they do, PHPUnit is all well and good but most of my tests are phpt so what I’m saying, Shane I demand you add phpt support! I mean it’s the default PHP test suite ;-) Oh and it would be nice if I could make it run the php run tests and the pear one, basically the same but different test runners it calls.

Now back to my problems and what I like with 4.2 :)

For some reason a directory in my project file listing was moved INTO another directory and I can’t for my little life move it back, even if it didn’t happen on the FS it self, it just baffles me, bugging having to remember that one bloody folder is in a different place JUST in komdo for one project :P

As Peter Griffin would put it, this really grinds my gears.

Adding a new file to a SCM via Komodo is also just a pain in the butt, for some reason I can’t add a folder unless I issue a full add on the root folder of the folder I’m trying to add … or something like that, usually end up doing it via cli.

Komodo is lacking some usability shortcuts … decrease ident doesn’t have a short cut, hiding the left / right panes don’t have shortcuts (to my knowledge) perhaps even adding something like Dynamics AX has (just started using it at work, one of the features I liked) which basically is I can hide it but I see a small bar on the left side and when I hover it it pops out and when I leave it for X time it goes away again or like Opera does it, a very thin bar which I have to click or some shortcut and it pops out, click it again it goes away, anyway just a nice feature to have because I tend to work on a 13,3″ screen in 1280×800 which is not a lot of screen space.

Ohh and I also want a way to checkout a repo; Bugging to use the run command or plain cli to do that, best would be if I could do a checkout and auto create a project for it :P

But other than that it has been rocking hard for my use cases, almost perfect ;-) Still having tried the whole debug feature, using xdebug via Komodo and all that but I will soonish, I’m told it’s a very useful and fun feature and perhaps some addons, having seen many thus far, might have been looking in the wrong place.

So all in all, big thumbs up to Komodo, and thanks to ActiveState and Shane for plugging a free license for me since I only do coding in my spare time and don’t have a company to buy it for me and so basically ActiveState has been sponsoring my last 3 months of open source work! Very cool! Would be even cooler if Greg Beaver would get a license, he’s another great OS coder that doesn’t make a living of doing programming, he told me he tried to contact someone in ActiveState with no luck, hopefully someone will see this post and fix that up :-)

Can’t wait for 4.3 /me counts the days